In need of an analyst.

There’s a tarantula sitting on my coffee table.


Granted, she’s in a critter container, but I’m still not sure how she got there.


One minute I can’t stand the thought of adopting a pet spider, and the next I’m e-mailing someone on Craigslist telling them I want their Chilean Rosehair.


Maybe I’ve just lost my mind. You might remember that thing I wrote a few months ago about how I hate spiders and yet Ben wants one. I didn’t think I’d ever actually get him one.


It probably has something to do with the other morning at the zoo. We docents were having animal handling practice, and some of us were learning new critters. A couple of them were handling the tarantula for the first time. I almost asked if I could practice picking her up, but I didn’t. For the first time, I abstained because I was concerned I’d have an allergic reaction to her “hairs”. I didn’t feel very afraid of her.


I went home that day, thinking that I wouldn’t mind too much having one of those in our apartment. After all, Ben has been wanting one for who-knows-how-long. So we agreed that we’d get each other our pets for Christmas, instead of regular gifts. I got him his spider, and he is going to get me a ball python.


Crazy, yes.


I almost had the opportunity to adopt an adorable little rabbit, but upon further research, I discovered that they chew everything and need probably a little more attention and supervision than I had expected.


Ben and I were thinking about the bunny, but I told him, “You know… if I could choose between a bunny and a snake, I’d pick the snake!”


We have a ball python at the zoo named Reggie. He’s darling and laid back and completely sweet. I need to do a lot more research, but right now a little python is my heart’s desire.


We’ll just have to see what happens! I have a feeling that this apartment is going to turn into a zoo pretty soon.


Strawberry the Spider

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