Six Reasons Episode VI is Awesome

1. So, I was just thinking… how unfortunate is it that the only time Leia isn’t wearing like… a mumu, is while Han Solo is suffering from hibernation sickness. She’s looking legendarily hot, AND HE CAN’T SEE.

Pretty unfair.

We can only hope she saved the slave bikini for the honeymoon.

2.  OBI-WAN: ….Your sister remains safely anonymous.

LUKE: Leia! Leia’s my sister!

OBI-WAN: What? No!

LUKE: You mean… there are other girls?

3. Does Jabba have genitalia? Is he capable of intercourse with his slaves? Has a study been done on this?

4. Ben feels bad for the guy who takes care of the rancor Luke killed with the sliding door at Jabba’s pad.  Remember him? The fat guy with the nasty hairy chest, the dirty face, and that weird mat on his head? Maybe it’s shallow of me, but the hideous monster and his ugly caretaker evoke no feelings of sympathy for me.

5. “That awful dance with that six-boob lady! And the worst-looking digital characters ever!”—Ben

Was this really necessary? It felt kind of awkward. Like the movie was really serious and we were getting involved in Luke and Leia’s plight, and then it suddenly became a skit on Sesame Street.

6. Yoda sounds like a cross between Fozzie and Miss Piggy.

Muppets in Space!

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